The LORD’s eyes are toward the righteous. His ears listen to their cry. The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.
–Psalm 34:15, 17
We all need the Savior, but when we experience times of trouble, our need to feel His presence in our lives is even greater.
Today’s promise assures us that we can claim the truth that Jesus not only listens to our cries, but He also delivers us out of all our troubles.
If we cry out in pain, He hears.
If we cry to Him in fear and frustration, He hears.
He hears our cries for justice, for mercy, for healing, and for hope. He hears our cries of loneliness, of remorse, of regret. When we cry out for direction, He hears. Even when we cry out in ignorance, our eyes blinded to our own shortcomings, He hears.
Yes, Jesus is the answer because the Jesus we believe in is the One who raised Lazarus (John 11). He is the same Jesus who raised the widow’s son (Luke 7:11-16). He is the One who delivers us from death to eternal life (John 5:24)!
Jesus always hears. He always loves. He always delivers.
To every cry for hope and help, Jesus in the answer.
Dear Lord, You know my situation and my need. Help me to focus on You and Your ability to provide strength and resolution to my problems. Help me remain faithful and see the blessings You have to give in even the worst of situations. Grow my faith and dependence on You during my times of trouble; knowing You are always with me. In Your holy name I pray, Amen.
How can seeking God during difficult times bring me to a higher level of faith?