You also, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
–1 Peter 2:5
To “sacrifice” means to give something up — usually for the benefit of someone else or for the greater good of a group of people.
Parents sacrifice countless things for their kids. A soldier’s family sacrifices time together for the safety and security of the country.
Olympic athletes sacrifice a normal childhood and social life for the opportunity to earn the honor of being the best in the world in their respective sport.
For every sacrifice made, there is a reward or compensation of great value.
The same is true when it comes to making spiritual sacrifices.
The spiritual sacrifices Peter is talking about in today’s verse are: praise and worship in the face of hardship, denying sinful cravings, selflessness, and possibly even sacrificing your own life for the cause of Christ.
When we sacrifice self-gratification and attention to praise God instead, we receive the blessings of God’s active presence in our life.
When we sacrifice the sinful cravings of the body to become a temple for the Holy Spirit, we receive the Spirit’s constant and perfect TLC.
When we sacrifice a worldly life for a godly one, we receive the hope and assurance of eternity in heaven.
Which would you rather have?
What will I sacrifice for God today? How does sacrifice make me feel?
Gracious God in heaven, I want to be a living, breathing sacrifice for You. Please give me the courage and strength to be who You want me to be. In Jesus’ wonderful name, I pray and praise You, Amen.
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