Let him turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears open to their prayer; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
–1 Peter 3:11-12
In 1888, Alfred Nobel was surprised to read his own obituary. His brother had passed away, but the long newspaper article he read described his own life.
Alfred had lived an incredibly productive existence, creating over 350 inventions and amassing a fortune in the process. However, he was not satisfied with how he was portrayed at his supposed death. So, in the next few years, he began to consider what to do with his great fortune.
In his will, to everyone’s surprise, he bequeathed nearly all his money to the establishment of five Nobel Prizes, prizes to be given to those offering the “greatest benefit on mankind.” He wanted to be remembered for the good he had brought to the world.
Of all the things Nobel accomplished, perhaps his greatest achievement was giving away his fortune. It undoubtedly has championed doing good.
We are still blessed to live at a time when peace is championed and sacrificing to do good to others is still admired. Pursuing peace isn’t a passive activity. Seeking to make peace with our own families, with our neighbors, and with our enemies requires that we get out there and actively do good to them.
God’s eyes are on us. His hand is with us. We can be peacemakers too.
If I were to read my obituary, what do I think would be said about me? What might I want it to say?
Dear God, Please grant me Your peace. Help me to turn away from evil and do good in my daily life. In Jesus’ peaceful name I pray, Amen.