The LORD will roar from Zion, and thunder from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth will shake; but the LORD will be a refuge to his people, and a stronghold to the children of Israel.
–Joel 3:16
A lion’s roar can be an intimidating sound… if you aren’t a lion.
But to those that speak this wild feline tongue, lion roars are just conversation. “Where are you? I’m over here. Hey look there, check out that gazelle!”
Jesus is sometimes referred to as the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5). Today’s verse paints a portrait of our Lord roaring at the Last Judgment. That roar reaches every country in the world. It calls every human being before Him — all of His children, and all those who are not His own, those who never followed Him, those who never spoke His language of love. To them, His voice is an earth-shaking, fearful sound. But to the children of Israel, to His tribe, His own family, Jesus’ voice is a comfort.
The Lion of Judah is our Savior Jesus Christ.
I pray that you and I will both be able to stand before Him on His Second Coming, unafraid because we are His!
Dear Jesus, Help me to always recognize Your voice and run to You. Thank You for Your protection and Your grace. May I never fail to find refuge in You. In Your name, Amen
For what am I most grateful that God has forgiven me?