For I am not ashamed of the Good News of Christ, because it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first, and also for the Greek.
–Romans 1:16
Where I live, coyotes are prevalent.
Every year some famed coyote makes the paper for his brazen attempt to steal someone’s pet or pick up a small child.
One evening, my children and I were at the playground. It had been a scorching day and now that the sun had set, families were everywhere. The coyotes were out, too.
From the corner of my eye, I saw two bolt from the bushes and dart across the edge of the park. With no hesitation, I hollered, “Parents, be alert! Coyotes at the far end of the park!” I looked around at my clueless audience and, to the great embarrassment of my children, I hollered again.
When there is passion, conviction, and important news to share, my fear of public speaking dissipates, shame flees, and — for better or for worse — words come out.
God’s existence, Jesus’ death, and His resurrection is always good news. It’s hope that pulls us through difficult times. It’s power over bad habits. It’s courage when we feel powerless. It’s peace in turmoil. It’s joy in the midst of sadness.
People need its comfort. God wants us to care enough to tell them.
God’s love for people is a treasure, as is the open door we have to Him because of Jesus. We have great news to share.
From what troublesome situation has God rescued me lately? Who can I encourage by telling them my story?
Dear God, Thank You for the Good News of Jesus. May I never be ashamed of You or of Christ. You are everything to me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.