I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men: for kings and all who are in high places.
–1 Timothy 2:1-2a
The emperor of Japan was treated as divinity for centuries.
For a time his subjects were not even allowed to look directly at him. That belief ceased after WWII. However, there were still great limits on how people could approach him.
In 2013, while attending a party at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, a novice lawmaker handed a letter to the emperor. Though he was merely trying to provoke sympathy for a nuclear leak affecting children, he went about it the wrong way.
By disregarding hundreds of years of social law, he was banned from ever being in the Imperial presence again.
Our lawmakers, our leaders don’t always have open ears. But, thank God; He does. I love Psalm 116:2, which says, “God leans down His ear to us.” He is always open to our pleas and He can move those mountains that politicians won’t or can’t.
So, yes, petition your leaders. But be sure to petition God on their behalf as well. Godly leaders need His wisdom. Ungodly leaders need His hand of correction. Perhaps, like some of the villainous rulers of the Bible, they, too, will discover that they must bend to the God of the universe.
Pray for God to use the great leaders of our world to do His will.
What leaders are on my heart? What specifically do I feel I should pray for them?
Dear God, Please give our leaders special wisdom as You gave to Solomon, so they can glorify You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.